1.1. Dog breeds that are easy to train 5 1.2.Features of dog training at home 10 1.3.First dog training session 11 CONCLUSION 13 LIST OF SOURCES USED 14
Excerpt from the work: Some theses from the work on the topic of Initial training of dogs INTRODUCTION
The dog has long been considered one of the most loyal animals to man. Man was able to tame this animal and use its qualities: endurance, unpretentiousness, fast running, sharp sense of smell, excellent hearing, good vision, exceptional attachment to it. Dogs were used for hunting animals, guarding homes and animals. Later they started using dogs in the military, in the rescue service, for transporting small loads, as guides for the blind, and in the search service. In the modern world, dogs are actively used for the needs of the national economy and for military purposes. To prepare dogs for a particular type of service, higher and higher requirements are being imposed. ................
1. Dog breeds that are easy to train
All dogs are diverse in their appearance and character. Some have a very beautiful appearance, others hunt and guard. There are dogs that are well trained, and others do not want to follow commands at all. In the hands of an experienced dog handler, any dog will become obedient, will follow all the instructions of the instructor. It is important to identify dog breeds that have special learning abilities?1?.
Training is from the French word "dresser", which means to train an animal. Training - is a consistent, directed training of animals to perform in certain conditions a variety of complex actions necessary for service (work). These actions are performed by the dog on the signals (verbal commands, hand gestures, etc.) of the trainer. Along with this, dogs slow down the manifestation of unnecessary and interfering reflexes (actions). For example, when training a dog to guard service, it develops skills for long-term alertness during service, active detection of the slightest changes in the environment (the appearance of noises, faint rustles, subtle movements, new smells, etc.), silent notification of the approach of strangers. Simultaneously with the development of the necessary skills, the dog inhibits the manifestation of a voice reaction (barking) to the perceived stimuli. Search and guard dogs develop General obedience skills: stand, sit, lie down, crawl, stop unwanted actions at the signals of trainers, and other skills. [3]
Skills are actions of the dog that, as a result of prolonged repetition, in response to the actions of the stimulus, began to appear as if automatically. Animal skills are unconscious. They are developed in the course of adaptation to the surrounding conditions and purposeful training. usually, a skill is a consistent manifestation of several positive and inhibitory conditioned reflexes by the dog. Different
animals are trained for different purposes, but not all animals are equally easy to train. The higher the developed nervous system of the animal, the easier it is to train. [4]
Preparation of drug-seeking dogs should not be based on feeding them with narcotic substances in order to make them "addicts" for an active and interested search for a drug.
Preparation of drug search dogs is to develop in dogs in the process of training the skill of active, interested search and detection of objects with the smell of narcotic drugs, hidden and cleverly disguised in vehicles, cargo, Luggage and mail, marking the detected substances by their behavior (landing, scratching objects with their paws, giving voice, etc.).
In the process of training, stimuli are used: - conditional: basic-command "search" and hand gesture in the direction of search; auxiliary-commands "Aport", "give", "good"; additional-commands "voice", "sit", "dig". - unconditional stimuli: narcotic substance, delicacy, stroking. The skill is developed on the basis of olfactory search and food reactions. The main methods of training are contrast and game. Requirements for the selection of dogs. [5]
Chapter 1
General characteristics of training dogs to search for narcotic substances
When preparing dogs to search for narcotic substances, different breeds can be used. Dogs of any breed can have a conditional link to search for narcotic substances by their smells. Selection involves determining the qualities of dogs that ensure successful training and effective use of them in a special service. On the basis of literature data, experimental studies and reviews from places of practical training and application of dogs, the following basic requirements for selection are developed:
1. Age 6-12 months (can be pursue retraining and patrol-search dogs not older 3 years, provided knowledge kinologom specificity work with drugs, rules of training dogs and adherence to basic provisions the proposed methodology).
2. Strong, balanced, mobile type
3. A good coat with a plentiful undercoat, well-developed muscles and strong bones, the correct set of limbs, a strong dry type of Constitution, strong teeth with the correct bite, must meet the breed standard and not have defects that prevent its official use.
4. Well-developed hearing, sight, smell, should be interested in not remember me. [6]
For training dogs to search for and detect narcotic substances are necessary:
1. Narcotic s
ubstances (marijuana, opium, heroin, cocaine, etc.). 2. Suitcases of various sizes, bags, briefcases, parcel boxes, cellophane bags. 3. Anatomical scales with disequilibrium. 4. Various aportirovochnye items. 5. A set of products (sausage, bakery products, sweets, cookies, meat).
To practice the skill of searching for narcotic substances, it is advisable at first to use bags of 50x100 mm in size, sewn from a fabric that is well permeable to air, or wooden sticks impregnated with marijuana (raw opium) as aportirovochnyh items.
To practice the skill of searching for narcotic substances, it is advisable at first to use bags of 50x100 mm in size, sewn from a fabric that is well permeable to air, or wooden sticks impregnated with marijuana (raw opium) as aportirovochnyh items.
A narcotic substance is placed in the sewn bag, after which it is sewn up. The bookmark made in this way is put in another bag sewn from a canvas fabric of 50x140 mm in size and used as an aportirovochny object. All bags are numbered and are subject to quantitative accounting. There is another way to use this bookmark. It is Packed in a rubber tube with holes on the sides and used as an aportirovochnogo item. For the manufacture of tubes, you can use rubber hoses made of dense rubber with a diameter of 2-3 mm and a length of 20-25 cm. The ends of the tube are plugged with wooden plugs. In the manufactured tube with a cork, you can lay various narcotic substances or wooden sticks treated with the drug. The convenience of this method is that by removing the bookmark with the narcotic substance, the rubber tube can then be processed to remove traces of dog saliva and used again. ............
The first stage of training — initial
ОтветитьУдалитьThe objectives of phase:
1. Teach the dog to sniff items with the smell of narcotic substances offered to it by the dog handler on the command "sniff".
2. To teach the dog to abortionate items with the smell of drugs. Tasks are solved in sequential order.
Figure 1. The first stage of training
Exercise 1
The dog handler puts the dog at the left leg. With his left hand, he grabs her muzzle so that the dog can not open its mouth and brings his right hand to the lobe of her nose with an object that has the smell of a narcotic substance (a wooden stick, a paper container, a cloth bag), gives the command "sniff". As soon as the dog begins to actively sniff, the dog handler encourages its actions with the command "sniff", "good, sniff", as well as stroking and dainty.
The dog is recommended to sniff an object with the smell of the drug 3-5 times for a duration of 5-10 seconds. with an interval of 10-15 seconds. (depending on the individual characteristics of the dog's sense of smell). For one lesson, 6-8 sets of 3-5 repetitions are performed, in the intervals between approaches, the dog is given a rest of 10-15 minutes. or it is organized to overcome obstacles, play with the object and other elements of unloading activity.
The main goal of these exercises at stage 1 is to familiarize the dog with the smell in order for it to establish an associative relationship between the object shown (in this case, the drug) and its smell.
The task is considered fulfilled when the dog on the command "sniff" calmly and carefully sniffs any thing with the smell of the drug.
The area with the least amount of distractions. The dog is well walked and is in a half-starved state. The dog handler has 6-8 sticks soaked in marijuana or 2-3 cloth bags (5-10 g of marijuana).
ОтветитьУдалитьThe dog handler places the dog at the left foot, holds its muzzle with the left hand, and brings the aportirovochny object to the dog's nose lobe with the right hand and gives the command "sniff". After three times of sniffing, the object is thrown in full view of the dog for 5-10 m. After 5-10 seconds. the trainer gives her the command "search, Aport". After the dog has completed the reception, the dog handler encourages it with the command "good", stroking and playing with an object containing a narcotic. The exercise is repeated 6-8 times.
When aportirovka objects with the smell of drugs will become a favorite pastime of the dog, the dog handler gradually begins to increase the interval between the throw and the start of the dog, and the command "Aport" is replaced by the command "search".
Training with an increase in the interval between the throw of the Aport and the start of the dog makes it easy to go to the search for a disguised object containing the smell of the drug. Initially, this item is hidden at a close distance from the place of sending the dog, and then gradually this distance increases to 30 meters or more. For one lesson, 3-4 sets of 6-8 repetitions are performed. Every time the dog finds an item, the dog handler must play with it, trying to take away the found item.
The problem can be considered solved if the dog on the command "search" actively searches in the grass (snow, bushes, behind the folds of the terrain) for items with the smell of narcotic drugs and brings them to the dog handler.
Requirements for organizing classes at the first stage of dog training
1. Classes should be held at least 3-4 times a week for 2-4 hours.
2. The dog must be half-starved.
3. Development of General disciplinary techniques for dogs in these classes should not be carried out.
4. Containers are used for placing items with drugs only once, after which they must be thoroughly washed, deodorized, and quartered.
5. The dog must take and give the dog handler the smell of the drug, since the systematic exclusion of the supply element from the conditioned reflex chain can lead to the destruction of the developed search reflex.
6. Activation of the dog's work is carried out by:
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